PoliciesWelcome to our policies and procedures section. Here, you can find information surrounding Accessibility, Smoking & Tobacco, Violence & Harassment, Cancellation & Refund, Promotions & Contest Rules and general information safeguarding your valuables and locker usage.
Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to the Association. We are dedicated to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all your personal information. We ask for your personal information to be able to serve you better. The RA’s Privacy Policy complies with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act of Canada. Further information is available by contacting [email protected]. Accessibility Policy
The RA will make every reasonable effort to ensure that its policies, practices and procedures are consistent with the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity The RA strives to make all its programs and services available to all persons with disabilities. However, due to the limitations of some facilities and the physical demands of some activities, this is not always possible. Members are encouraged to consult with Kelly Shaw Swettenham at (613) 736-6227 or by e-mail to confirm whether the Association can meet your expectations. Guide Dogs, Service Animals and Service Dogs A member/customer with a disability that is accompanied by guide dog, service animal or service dog will be allowed access to premises that are open to the public unless otherwise excluded by law. “No pet” policies do not apply to guide dogs, service animals and/or service dogs. Food Service Areas: A member/customer with a disability that is accompanied by guide dog or service dog will be allowed access to food service areas that are open to the public unless otherwise excluded by law. Other types of service animals are not permitted into food service areas due to the Health Protection and Promotion Act, Ontario Regulation 562 Section 60. Support Persons If a member/customer with a disability is accompanied by a support person, the RA will ensure that both persons are allowed to enter the premises together and that the member/customer is not prevented from having access to the support person. Admission Fees: If payment is required by a support person for admission to the premises the RA will ensure that notice is given in advance by posting notice of admission fees for support persons where the RA fees are posted. Feedback Process The RA shall provide members/customers with the opportunity to provide feedback on the service provided to members/customers with disabilities. Feedback forms along with alternate methods of providing feedback such as verbally (in person or by telephone) or written (hand written, delivered, website or email), will be available upon request. Customers can submit feedback to the RA’s Guest Services Manager at 613-736-6228, by mail to 2451 Riverside Dr. Ottawa K1H 7X7 or by email at [email protected]. Members/Customers who wish to provide feedback by completing an onsite member/customer feedback form or verbally can do so with any RA Guest Services employee. Members/Customers that provide formal feedback will receive acknowledgement of their feedback, along with any resulting actions based on concerns or complaints that were submitted. Smoking & Tobacco Policy
The RA is proud to be completely SMOKE FREE The Smoke Free Ontario Act is here. Smoking or vaping tobacco or cannabis is prohibited anywhere inside the RA buildings and on the entire property (including all outdoor spaces such as parking lots, dugouts and playing fields). Those who choose to partake in smoking or vaping must do so at a location off RA properties. Alcohol Consumption
Drinking alcohol on RA premises is prohibited in non-licensed areas (including outdoor spaces such as parking lots, dugouts and playing fields) Violence & Harassment Policy
The RA has a Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy in place. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that staff, members and guests of the RA are provided an environment where everyone feels welcome and is treated with dignity, free from discrimination or harassment based on ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status or disability. Each staff person, member and guest is expected to contribute and maintain such an environment. At the Association, issues related to human rights, violence, discrimination or harassment are treated very seriously. The Association will not knowingly permit discrimination, harassment and violence and will take appropriate steps to prevent and eliminate such behavior. Management is responsible to ensure that the policy is respected. Throughout an investigation, utmost discretion and care will be taken to ensure confidentiality wherever possible. Click here to download a PDF of The Recreation Association Member Policy Relating to Harassment, Discrimination, Violence or Breach of the RA Code of Ethics. Cancellation & Refund Policies
RA Association Memberships
Memberships, Sports Leagues and Classes/Programs
Court & Lane Bookings
Guest Services, RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1H 7X7 By e-mail: [email protected]
RA Camps & Aquatics (Swim lessons) To cancel a registration, please send written cancellation request to RA Guest Services by e-mail at [email protected] with the full name of the registered participant(s), the program name(s) and session date(s) you wish to cancel. Cancellations cannot be done on-line. If written cancellation request is received at least 14 days PRIOR to the beginning of the session:
Proximity Cards
Each proximity card is assigned to an individual person for her/his exclusive use. You are personally responsible for the use of your card. Never lend your proximity card or allow unauthorized persons to enter an area for which they don’t have a card. Ask them to contact or direct them to the RA’s East Guest Services Desk. Lost, stolen or damaged proximity cards must be reported to the RA’s East Guest Services Desk. Replacement for lost or stolen cards cost $15. The RA reserves the right to add/alter any of the above conditions from time to time as required. Promotions & Contests Rules
Official Rules Governing Promotions and Contests offered by the RA The following outlines any processes, rules and regulations governing any giveaway, contest, promotion or program (this point forward referred to as promotions) that passes prizing in any form to a member, sport team member, customer or client (this point forward referred to as participants) that engages with the Recreation Association of the Public Service of Canada (otherwise known as the RA or RA Centre). All questions or concerns should be directed to the Vice-President, Operations by email [email protected].
Please Note...
Safeguarding Your Valuables The RA encourages members to take precautions with their valuables while at the RA. If you choose to leave your valuables in your car, ensure they are out of sight. You should also make sure your car is locked at all times. There are day-use lockers in all locker rooms and wallet lockers in LifeFIT Centre, the East and West lobbies at the RA Centre. These wallet lockers are available for your use free of charge (see staff for a token). The Association is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. Locker Use Members have daily access to lockers while participating in an activity at the RA Centre. These day-use lockers must be emptied by close each night*. We encourage you to take advantage of our Locker Rental Service. Please stop by the Guest Service Desk on your next visit and enquire about renting a locker. * Please be advised that we conduct regular and routine checks of each locker room. Without notice all unauthorized overnight use of a locker will result in the cutting of locks and removal of contents and will be subject to a flat rental fee of $25, payable upon pick-up of personal items from the Guest Service Desk. Confiscated items will be available for a period of 60 days, after which they will be donated to a local charity. This will ensure that lockers are available for members wishing to take advantage of the rental service and for “Day-Use”. Day Use Lockers - East, Central & West Change Rooms
Members have daily access to lockers while participating in an activity at the RA Centre. These day-use lockers must be emptied by close each night*. We encourage you to take advantage of our Locker Rental Service. Please stop by the Guest Service Desk on your next visit and enquire about renting a locker. * Please be advised that we conduct regular and routine checks of each locker room. Without notice all unauthorized overnight use of a locker will result in the cutting of locks and removal of contents and will be subject to a flat rental fee of $25, payable upon pick-up of personal items from the Guest Service Desk. Confiscated items will be available for a period of 60 days, after which they will be donated to a local charity. This will ensure that lockers are available for members wishing to take advantage of the rental service and for “Day-Use”. We're here for you
If you require further information relating to our policies and procedures, please contact our team. [email protected] 613-733-5100 (ext. 360) Contact us |
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